Easypix Privacy Policy

Effective Sep 01, 2023


We at Braintech Corporation Pvt Ltd want you to understand what information we collect, and how we use and share it. That’s why we encourage you to read our Privacy Policy. This helps you use Braintech Corporation Pvt Ltd Products in the way that’s right for you.

In the Privacy Policy, we explain how we collect, use, share, retain and transfer information. We also let you know your rights. Each section of the Policy includes helpful examples and simpler language to make our practices easier to understand. We’ve also added links to resources where you can learn more about the privacy topics that interest you.

It's important to us that you know how to control your privacy, so we also show you where you can manage your information in the settings of the Braintech Corporation Pvt Ltd Products you use. You can update these settings to shape your experience.

Read the full policy below.

What Products does this policy cover?

This policy describes the information we, Braintech Corporation Pvt Ltd. process to provide Braintech Corporation Pvt Ltd Products. Braintech Corporation Pvt Ltd Products, which we also call "Products," include:

Some of our Products also have a supplemental privacy policy that adds to the information provided in this policy.

What information do we collect?


In this policy we list the kinds of information we collect. Here are some important ones. We collect:

The information we collect and process about you depends on how you use our Products. When you use our Products, we collect some information about you even if you don't have an account.

Here's the information we collect:

On our Products, you can send messages, post photos and videos, buy or sell things and much more. We call all of the things you can do on our Products "activity." We collect your activity across our Products and information you provide, such as:

Information with special protections

You might choose to provide information about your religious views, your sexual orientation, political views, health, racial or ethnic origin, philosophical beliefs or trade union membership. These and other types of information could have special protections under the laws of your jurisdiction.

Friends, followers and other connections

Information we collect about your friends, followers and other connections

We collect information about friends, followers, groups, accounts, Easypix Pages and other users and communities you’re connected to and interact with. This includes how you interact with them across our Products and which ones you interact with the most.

Information we collect about contacts

We also collect your contacts’ information, such as their name and email address or phone number, if you choose to upload or import it from a device, like by syncing an address book.

If you don’t use Braintech Corporation Pvt Ltd Products, or use them without an account, your information might still be collected.

Information we collect or infer about you based on others’ activity

We collect information about you based on others' activity. We also infer things about you based on others' activity. For example:

App, browser and device information

We collect and receive information from and about the different devices you use and how you use them.

Device information we collect and receive includes:

Information from partners, vendors and other third parties

What kinds of information do we collect or receive?

We collect and receive information from partners, measurement vendors, marketing vendors and other third parties about a variety of your information and activities on and off our Products.

Here are some examples of information we receive about you:

Partners also share information like your email address, cookies and advertising device ID with us. This helps us match your activities with your account, if you have one.

We receive this information whether or not you’re logged in or have an account on our Products.

Partners also share with us their communications with you if they instruct us to provide services to their business, like helping them manage their communications. To learn how a business processes or shares your information, read their privacy policy or contact them directly.

How do we collect or receive this information from partners?

Partners use our Business Tools, integrations and Braintech Corporation Pvt Ltd Network technologies to share information with us.

These partners collect your information when you visit their site or app or use their services, or through other businesses or organizations they work with. We require partners to have the right to collect, use and share your information before giving it to us.

What if you don’t let us collect certain information?

Some information is required for our Products to work. Other information is optional, but without it, the quality of your experience might be affected.

What if the information we collect doesn’t identify individuals?

In some cases information is de-identified, aggregated, or anonymised by third parties so that it no longer identifies individuals before it’s made available to us. We use this information as described below without trying to re-identify individuals.


A person, business, organisation or body using or integrating our Products to advertise, market or support their products and services

Easypix Legal Info

Key Updates

Respect for your privacy is coded into our DNA. Since we started Easypix, we’ve built our services with a set of strong privacy principles in mind. In our updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy you’ll find:

Information We Collect

Easypix must receive or collect some information to operate, provide, improve, understand, customise, support, and market our Services, including when you install, access, or use our Services.

The types of information we receive and collect depend on how you use our Services. We require certain information to deliver our Services and without this we will not be able to provide our Services to you. For example, you must provide your mobile phone number to create an account to use our Services.

Our Services have optional features which, if used by you, require us to collect additional information to provide such features. You will be notified of such collection, as appropriate. If you choose not to provide the information needed to use a feature, you will be unable to use the feature. For example, you cannot share your location with your contacts if you do not permit us to collect your location data from your device. Permissions can be managed through your Settings menu on both Android and iOS devices.

Information You Provide

Automatically Collected Information

Third-Party Information

How We Use Information

We use information we have (subject to choices you make and applicable law) to operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services. Here's how:

Information You And We Share

You share your information as you use and communicate through our Services, and we share your information to help us operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services.

How We Work With Other Braintech Corporation Pvt Ltd Companies

As part of the Braintech Corporation companies, Easypix receives information from, and shares information with, the other Braintech Corporation companies. We may use the information we receive from them, and they may use the information we share with them, to help operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services and their offerings, including the Braintech Corporation company products. This includes:

Assignment, Change Of Control, And Transfer

In the event that we are involved in a merger, acquisition, restructuring, bankruptcy, or sale of all or some of our assets, we will share your information with the successor entities or new owners in connection with the transaction in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Managing And Retaining Your Information

You can access or port your information using our in-app Request Account Info feature (available under Settings > Account).

We store information for as long as necessary for the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy, including to provide our Services or for other legitimate purposes, such as complying with legal obligations, enforcing and preventing violations of our Terms, or protecting or defending our rights, property, and users. The storage periods are determined on a case-by-case basis that depends on factors like the nature of the information, why it is collected and processed, relevant legal or operational retention needs, and legal obligations.

If you would like to further manage, change, limit, or delete your information, you can do that through the following tools:

Law, Our Rights, And Protection

We access, preserve, and share your information described in the "Information We Collect" section of this Privacy Policy above if we have a good-faith belief that it is necessary to: (a) respond pursuant to applicable law or regulations, legal process, or government requests; (b) enforce our Terms and any other applicable terms and policies, including for investigations of potential violations; (c) detect, investigate, prevent, or address fraud and other illegal activity or security, and technical issues; or (d) protect the rights, property, and safety of our users, Easypix, or others, including to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.

Our Global Operations

Easypix shares information globally, both internally within the Braintech Corporation companies and externally with our partners and service providers, and with those with whom you communicate around the world, in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Your information may, for example, be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed in, India or United States; countries or territories where the Braintech Corporation company’s  affiliates and partners, or our service providers are located; or any other country or territory globally where our Services are provided outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Privacy Policy. Easypix uses Braintech Corporation Pvt Ltd’s global infrastructure and data centers, including in India and United States. These transfers are necessary to provide the global Services set forth in our Terms. Please keep in mind that the countries or territories to which your information is transferred may have different privacy laws and protections than what you have in your home country or territory.

Updates To Our Policy

We may amend or update our Privacy Policy. We will provide you notice of amendments to this Privacy Policy, as appropriate, and update the “Effective Date” at the top of this Privacy Policy. Please review our Privacy Policy from time to time.